Alper Kivilcim-搜索结果

  • Sir-Ayet 2


    导演:Kayhan Basoglu   编剧:Alper Kivilcim, Koray Yeltekin

    主演:Betül Akdeniz, Mehmet Aras, Furkan Karaderi

      比拉勒·阿加 (Bilal Ağa) 经历了一段非常艰难的时期并且走投无路,他通过达成协议成为了被诅咒的财产的所有者。Bilal agha 后来后悔了,想要放弃这个协议。但是,此请求导致 Bilal Ağa 死亡。住在同一个村子里的两个年轻朋友制定了一个计划,挖了 Bilal Ağa 的坟墓,他在晚上死了,并通过拔掉他的金牙把它变成了钱。然而,被诅咒的财富的祸害开始像传染性病毒一样分别蔓延到年轻人和他们周围的其他人身上。

  • Alem-i Cin


    导演:Özgür Bakar   编剧:Özgür Bakar, Alper Kivilcim

    主演:Ayçin Tuyun, Kadriye Çetinkaya, Zeynep Turpçu, Suleyman Kabaali, Cihangir Kose, Yesim Gundogdu, Hatice Yildiz, Yuksel Ivgen

      Yeliz starts to see nightmares on the night of her 25th birthday. She sees bloody and dirty hidden secrets about her family. As she tries to escape from these nightmares she is approached by an old family friend who wants to help her. But the enemy is not from this world. Together they face the world of jinns beyond the understanding of regular minds. Behold the zone of the jin...